
When the mechanists assemble the five parts of the same occupation as the head, body, hands, legs, and weapon into a complete mech, which will stimulate the potential of each part and play a vital role in the combat. The assembly of specific parts may trigger powerful hidden set attributes. As for which parts can be triggered when assembled, players need to explore and discover by themselves.

Certain N sets of mechs have a 30% chance to trigger hidden set attributes:

• 40% chance to add a hidden attribute

• 40% chance to add two hidden attributes

• 15% chance to add three hidden attributes

• 4% chance to add four hidden attributes

• 1% chance to add five hidden attributes

Assembled mechs have a chance to obtain 0 - 4 skills of this occupation:

  • 35% chance to get 0 skill

  • 30% chance to get 1 skill

  • 25% chance to get 2 skills

  • 9% chance to get 3 skills

  • 1% chance to get 4 skills

Last updated